Live Edge Slabs Available for Tables
Let’s start the conversation here. We can talk about the base after…
Live edge walnut bookmatch with some amazing figure and color. Some cracks and voids need to be addressed with epoxy or wood patch work. This set is about 99” long x 68” wide and 2.5” thick (We can trim these down to make a top that is functional south of 4’ wide).
John Quincy Adams Beech Tree
Salvaging a Beech Tree from Adams National Historic Park in Quincy MA. This tree is believed to be from the 1800's.
Salvaging a small piece of New England History
It's always a sad day when these beautiful giants have reached the end of their life. However, due to safety concerns this tree needed to be removed. Because of our work these trees go on to become much more than firewood. The team at Adams National Historical Park will repurpose the lumber for their own use. We cant wait to see what will become of this beautiful tree.