Custom barn in Westport, MA
We built some unique furniture and custom kitchen for this one of a kind Barn
Location : Westport, MA
Date: Winter of 2018
Last year we had the opportunity to work on conceptualizing this project with our client. They wanted a summer retreat that felt like it was built with the original barn. We kept that in mind while designing the furniture for this custom barn.
The scope of work:
Two live edge queen sized cherry beds with full trundles stored underneath
Custom cherry kitchen with beaded doors and drawers
36” High cherry kitchen table with reclaimed base made from a beam of the barn
4 round cherry counter height round stools with 3 legs
Built in cherry refrigerator cabinet
Custom cherry shuffleboard table with cast iron base
The Wood:
While we were designing this barn on site with the client we were taking in the surroundings. Studying the beams, floor board, paneling etc… We wanted to take a mental image of all other materials in play. We then paired this space with the correct lot of trees that we could or have milled to match our ideal finished look. We decided to use this cherry that we milled from Russell MA. It has some insect damage which we could fill with epoxy. We think this tied into the reclaimed feeling of the barn while still feeling luxe but not out of place. This is why our sawmill and kiln are so important to our design when it comes to customizing your space. It takes the blinders off, and allows us to truly design with your space in mind.
The Design-Build Process:
Once we identify the wood we are going to use, we begin the real work. This involves designing, cutting, shaping, sanding, more sanding, and finally finish/install. Each piece is really up to the artists eye, and we have very long conversations about what board should go where when it comes to a build. By doing this we are ensuring each board belongs where its placed. These trees take a very long time to grow and its important to take our time with them. Our end goal is a cohesive look that captures the clients vision.
Living with our furniture in your space:
The idea that everything has been carefully sourced and worked into your space is as special as it sounds. We like to believe that our furniture is more of a feeling than it is something pretty to look at. Something that inspires you to be creative or think about things in a different way. Every day you wake up and are in the presence of beautiful furniture and woodwork is a good day!

Massachusetts Farm Tables now ready for delivery
Custom farm tables made in Western MA
Since opening our massive woodshop in Western Massachusetts we have been making additional pieces that are ready to ship. We offer tradition farm tables that are affordable, solid wood, and made to last generations. We have one of a kind slab tables that have characteristics unique to each piece. If you would like a custom table made we can pick through our inventory of slabs and lumber to see if anything works with your dimensions and vision. Here are some pieces that we have in the warehouse for purchase right now:
5' Walnut Boston Farm Table
A classic design for any home
Butternut Slab Rounds
Unique and rare to find butternut slabs this large

6' Berkshires Sugar Maple Table
Bookmatched and nicely figured with black accents

9' Slab Table with cast iron base
Origin: John Adams Museum in Quincy MA

5' Black Walnut Slab with Butterfly Joints
This could be a table, coffee table, or a headboard

7' Greenwhich Ash Farm Table
Photos coming soon!
Shop is open by appointment unless your in the area and want to roll the dice:) If you are interested in learning more about any of these item or something else please schedule an appointment or send us your info below. We would also love to hear you! Please comment below and feel free to share with friends and family. Without you guys, we are just making expensive firewood:)
Specialty Lumber and Slabs
Specialty lumber available for sale in Massachusetts. Everything from dimensional lumber to live edge slabs now available. Black Walnut, Butternut, Cherry, Maple, Oak, and Ash.
Videos of The Mill
The Lumber
Sometimes the trees grow in a way that isn't suitable for larger mills. Instead of looking for strictly clear lumber, I am looking for things like (character, figure, bug holes, spalting, etc...). The trees that we currently cut are species that grow in New England. They include but are not limited to the following:
- Black Walnut
- Cherry
- Ash
- White Oak
- Red Oak
- Soft Maple
- Hard Maple
- Pine
- Hemlock
Building with lumber that I have sawn gives me great pleasure. I have known the tree throughout the entire process.

Selling Lumber
We sell to Woodworkers, Furniture Manufacturers big and small, Builders, Architects, Interior Designers, and DIY Homeowners. We can custom saw any species in any amount for you as well. To purchase lumber or for questions please fill out the form below: